Thanks for taking an interest in my work. Here are a few more links to get to know me.
Twitter had been around 12 years, and marketers had 12 years of ideas on how to use it. And not all of them have had great experiences. How do we message against that? I created an agency playbook to help reset their clients’ expectations with our latest and greatest offerings, and to help clients re-look at Twitter from scratch in 2018.
We leveraged social, display, and search to get the word out to influential folks in advertising, and then we spent a few afternoons rolling up our sleeves and mailing out several hundred. Then several thousand. It worked, there was demand, and the leads came in.
The hybrid digital/hard copy approach turned out to be such a successful acquisition-through-education strategy that we built out additional playbooks, for specific use cases and in multiple languages to address new and emerging markets. It is still a key element in Twitter’s/X’s business acquisition strategy.
80K in revenue from post mailing of 40 w/in 7 days
3x Longer LTV
Favorably featured on multiple social media pubs (Adweek, Socialmediatoday, Socialmediaweek, Mediapost, Glean, others)
3K organic downloads in mo. 1
Organic search spiked after shipping (search term autocompletes on Google - i.e., enter “Twitter agency”)
A portion of my time at Gainsight was spent building content for leads and educating them in support of our demand gen pipeline. An example of this is our podcast and live video series, where we invited partners and prospects to educate our known consumer audience, which allowed us to develop a tracked relationship with all involved.
Another example is Pulsecheck, a digital, live, multi-coast all-day conference with 3,000 active attendees. Partnering with sponsors allowed us to create an event that was more effective, educational, and personal and global feeling than your average webinar.
In addition to covering PR, and developing audio, visual, and video marketing collatoral and opportunities, I partnered with an awesome sales team at SV Academy to build out lead- and demand-gen efforts to support their tactics.
I produced a dozen awards and executive dinners, educational events, and happy hours, I aligned sponsorships for 10+ other corporate events, I collaborated with sales on Email campaigns (left is a header from such a campaign), and I collaborated on presentation decks and packages for prospects.
We had developed a well-organized consumer digital/social brand. Although I was focused on the consumer business, we saw this as an opportunity to productize our social strategy and offer it to our banking business partners. To help with partnerships, I created pitches and social strategy packages to help companies to be successful upon partnering with us.